2024/2025 Basketball Registration: https://bgcterrehaute.my.site.com/V2/s/login-home
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Terre Haute Boys & Girls Club Fall / Winter Basketball League -- 2024/2025. Registration extended until 10/29/24 at 7:00pm.
Registration: September 1st – October 29th - Games played at 75 S. Brown Avenue
In House League (K-5th Boys & Girls): $70.00 -Games begin week of Nov. 11th.
In House League (6th-8th Boys): $70.00 -Games begin week of Nov. 11th.
Pre-School League: $70.00 -Begins November 16th
Registration:November 1st – December 30th (for Boys who made their Middle School Teams) Games begin Jan. 13th. Please see Middle School Basketball from drop down menu for information.
Mandatory for all 4th and 5th grade boys and girls - Skills Assessment Camp - Tuesday, October 29th. Boys: 5:30 - Girls: 6:30
- By October 27th – Background check deadlines-Volunteer Coach Background Check-Click Here, Complete the Boys & Girls Certification at http://www.mybgca.net/(create an account- code to move forward may take up to 24 hours) Click on Spillett Leadership University then go to search bar and type in Foundations: Preventing Abuse in Youth Serving Organizations (This training meets BGCA requirement for approved grooming, prevention, and mandated reporting)
- Coaches and individuals that may assist with practices must pay for and pass a background check through Terre Haute Boys & Girls Club.
- No coach can participate until the completion and approval of a background check.
- No one can coach until the completion and submission of certification to the THBGC.
- Time & Location TBD